Frances Munro

Who are You?

Each of us consists of a Mind, Body and Soul (Spirit). It is important that you understand how to coordinate these elements into a cohesive force of power for the betterment of your life

Author - Public Speaker - Messenger for God

Who I am!

Frances Munro

Messenger for God

I learned this in 2002 during a regression with transformational coach and metaphysician, Vernon Frost.

His question, ‘What are you?’

My soul spoke and my lips answered ‘A Messenger’.

‘For what?’

‘A Messenger for God’.

I was surprised to hear the words from my own mouth, and so was my husband, Mike who recorded the conversation on paper, but bit by bit I realised the truth of it. I had chosen the challenge.

My work is now building on a base given to me by God, and aware though I am of the mistaken paths I have travelled in the past, I realise they have been an important part of my learning.

When I was young my mother told me that it was easier to start with very little and learn to cope until more came to your life and you can relax more. She was talking about money, but I can also apply that to my life with God. I’m not sure that relaxing is a large part of the picture. God can keep you busy.

I never doubted God’s existence but started by believing that God barely knew me, because He (to me a Fatherly Energy) was busy on more important stuff. Little did I realise!

My early life was mind led.

When in 1996 my heart and soul took the reins, I began the most important part of my ‘working career’. My journey with God had really started.

My work is now to enhance the lives of others so that they realise their power. That fulfils my life too.

I am now based in Spain and the adventure continues. Watch for the next episode and let’s travel it together.

Contact me at Frances Munro